It is not uncommon to fawn over the lips you see on Angelina Jolie or dream about having the kind of smooth skin that Kylie Jenner has been blessed with. These are the kind of things that come to some people naturally, and others just don’t have it. ARE DERMAL FILLERS SAFE?

But then, how sure are you that they are natural at all?

Today, there are a series of cosmetic techniques that can take you from where you are to where you want to be. The beauty of the best ones is that you shouldn’t be able to tell between the natural and enhanced stuff – and this is where dermal fillers stroll into the equation.

What are dermal fillers?

‘Dermal fillers’ is a general term use to refer to injections of gels which can be used to fill in wrinkles and improve the volume of soft tissue. These dermal fillers are usually made of hyaluronic acid which works by binding moisture to the affecte tissues, helping them to achieve a fuller and plumper feel.

How do dermal fillers work?

From the age of 25, the average human starts to age – physically, that is. The face begins to wrinkle and more lines are visible as the years go on. The reason for this is not far-fetch.

While growing up, the skin is responsible for the production of collagen and elastin. These two protein molecules are tasked with giving the skin its plumpness, fullness and freshness. However, the production of these proteins begins to drop off with age, so much that they can no longer perform their basic functions anymore. By the time an average person attains the age of 25, they would not have enough collage and elastin left anymore.

Thus, the skin reacts by losing its elasticity and shrinking. This shrinkage results in the formation of lines and wrinkles around the face. This ties in to how dermal fillers work. Containing hyaluronic acid, dermal fillers go into the skin tissues to promote the formation of more elastin and collagen. The hyaluronic acid also binds with the available skin proteins, boosting their efforts in maintaining freshness and plumpness for the skin.

Where can dermal fillers be applied?

They are practically applicable in any and all areas of the skin where wrinkles have started to show – or to prevent them. As of the time of this writing, some of the common locations where dermal fillers find application are:

What is the difference between dermal fillers and other solutions?

To be candid, dermal fillers are not the only common anti-ageing and wrinkle eliminating solutions out there. More times than not, Botox is always the other option being compare to the dermal fillers. However, they are not on the same level. Solutions such as Botox operate by immobilizing the muscle and tissues around the injected area. The idea behind this model of operation is that less mobility will result in lesser wrinkles.

Years of application will usually lead to disfiguration of the user. It is also not uncommon for the user looking animate after the treatment, creating a less desirable look. Dermal fillers, on the other hand, allows the user maintain normal muscle and tissue movement. All it does is help stimulate the natural process that would eliminate wrinkles rather than force the body/ skin into an uncomfortable position.

Are dermal fillers safe?

Dermal fillers are as safe as can be, and that is not just hearsay.
In fact, Dr, Arthur Perry (celebrated author of Straight Talk About Cosmetic Surgery) is of the opinion that these solutions are only so common because of how safe they are – and we couldn’t agree with him less.

Dermal fillers have undergone rigorous testing by the FDA and have been approved safe for use. It would, thus, be in your best interest to ensure that the dermal fillers you would be using have been approved so as to minimize instances of danger. In all fairness, there is a tendency for users to experience some mild effects and discomfort after initial use. These are known to clear up after about a day, though, so you are always good to go.

It is important that you reach out to a qualified health care professional who knows how to handle this treatment before you subject yourself to dermal fillers at all. While they are considere very safe, injecting them in the wrong areas can have devastating effects. For example, using dermal fillers so close to the eye and injecting a blood vessel there will cause lack of blood circulation. In the long run, that will result into the blinding of such an eye. Even though dermal fillers are generally safe, measures should be take to ensure the right application for the best effects and minimal to no side problems.

What are the side effects of dermal fillers?

Just like any other regulated medication, dermal fillers are not without their own side effects. The good news is that these side effects have the tendency to occur immediately after injection, and they clear up after a few days.

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